The subject today is Sports & Games in your town...Well here in Coeur d Alene there is a beautiful lake ...so there is lots of boating! The Iron Man comes through every June..more pictures of that to come..
Of course there is lots of swinging...

Runners everywhere...it seems according to the American Lung Association.. Coeur d Alene is third in the country for clean smog free air!! So a good place to run!!

Of course this is the critter game of the season..singing his little heart out for a mate!!

There is always bee chasing..

Oh we can't forget twirling..

or juggling..we love juggling here...

Some serious bug hunting...giggle..

What is Spring with out chalk...

Or Bubbles..we love bubbles too!

Here is the sneaky peek part...this next Monday I am launching my online class site...."Let Fly E-Courses" I am really excited about this! The very first class up for grabs will be..
Balance for the Creative Soul
"This simple straight forward course is designed to help you organize & balance your artistic pursuits with the demands of daily life."

I hope that you take a minute this weekend and pop on by!!
Have a wonderful weekend all, Sarah