Well it would seem I have far more pictures that relate to cold..and very few hot pictures...hmmmmm.


I loved this one..they were so fun to photograph!


A bit of snow play..so fun!

Buhhhrrrrrrrrrr..was about 12 degrees that day..they are so cute!

A snap of me all bundled up....

The first snow that year...cold tootsies LOL!

I am offering a fun point and shoot photography class starting next week for anyone who might be interested in joining us..click here :)
Here is what it is all about...
Would you like to take photos with the best of them...add a bit of style and an artist's eye to your photography? But you keep telling yourself..but I only have a point and shoot or camera phone? Well this is the course for you.
Then come join me this Fall as I teach you how to use create beautiful, artistic photographs. We will explore a new, simple photography technique and a easy to use and apply editing tool each week. We will share our photos on a private group with discussion boards. So if you want to take your point and shoot photography to the next level..and have some fun in the process..come join me for Photo Bee!
Oh and btw...I am giving away a spot in the class..click here!