I have often spoken on my main blog about online friendships...folks would like me to believe that somehow they are not as real, worthwhile or deep as the kinds we make out in the real world. I beg to differ...I have met some amazing folks here online..folks who have become friends, some have become very dear friends. Some have even changed my life...yes that is the truth!
As I pondered Barry..this wonderful dear man and his dear wife Linda..how had they affected me...what do I think of when I think of Barry? You will laugh but the very first thing that popped into my mind was totem poles LOL. I love them..he posted them! But as I gave it some real thought..here is what Barry taught me...
Home is where the heart is...
Companionship of one you enjoy and love is important...

Being goofy is a good thing...

Small things are important..like comments on folks work...

There are always surprises around each corner...

Sometimes they are wonderful and sometimes they are not..but always keep seeking..exploring...

Loved ones are the joy of life!

have fun and explore new things and ideas...

Always keep exploring..over the next bridge he has gone on a new adventure...he will be missed..but not forgotten.

Thank you Barry for all of your caring and inspiration..I for one will deeply miss you!!