Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friday My Town Shootout....

Some Bitsy Bear toes...

I totally missed last week...I had an unexpected five days off...four of them in a row. Given the last two vacations I tried to take were disasterous...illness..etc. I decided...we were gonna take those sweet surprise days off and play! And we did!!! Sorry I missed every ones wonderful posts last week! I will be off to visit this week though!

A couple of horse them horses!!

A few of these you may have seen..some are new..some are from my archives..My waffle stompers in the woods..

I love shooting feet, hands and eyes LOL..can ya are some sweet bunny toes. He is getting old sweet Bun!

Nonni and Mama's toes...

A set of little feet on a balancing ball!

Frozen toes....mine LOL!

One of my very favorite shots..dancing feet!

My toes in my very favorite socks..Acorns!

Have a wonderful weekend all!!

I originally posted this before the news of Barry's passing reached me. I am so deeply saddened by his loss..that wonderful man who made shootouts and life in general a joy to experience through his eyes! My thoughts and prayers are with Linda and the family! He will be missed and so fondly remembered by all he touched!


dorset holiday said...

How creative! Why not take pictures at Dorset too? It's a good place to unwind and you can stay at Dorset Holiday Cottages so you'll get relaxed together with your family.

Suburban Girl said...

The horse's feet take the prize in my opinion!

Kim, USA said...

Love those shots. Make me smile with that blue hooves and the dancing feet. ^_^ Thanks for sharing!

Friday my Town shoot out

Kerry said...

Lovely feet, all of them. I can tell you are into it this week! Those Irish dancers are super cool, but I am so partial to green glitter on horse hooves I can't resist them.

In the eye of the beholder said...

Hi, I really loved the Horse hooves and the dancing feet. Nice interpretation.

Pauline said...

I tried but I can't pick a favourite. The horses feet for the smile, the rabbits feet for the warm fuzzies, and I'm in awe of the dancing feet!
I think we are all missing Barry this week, I know I am. He was such a special man!

gigi said...

What a green pedicure!

Bagman and Butler said...

Dancing feet in the air, green horsehooves -- This is the first post I visited today and I realize, once again, what amazing diversity Friday shooters can bring to any topic!

Jama said...

The sparklers on the horse hooves are so cute!

Unknown said...

I love these foot shots ~ how clever.

and sorry for the loss of your Barry.

~JarieLyn~ said...

Sarah, these all made me smile. I love the horse hooves, the little feet on the balancing ball and the bunny feet. Oh so cute. yes they are.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Love the dancing feet. We will all miss Barry for sure.Blessings to you and family.

spiritsoflena said...

Love your shots-especially the dancing feet and the green hooves!

farmlady said...

Love the horse with the sparkle green hooves. Nice shot!

Unknown said...

all cute shots of cute little feet Sarah!! love the dancing feet, feet on the ball, horses and bunny feet (hooves) and on and on.......

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Did the horse go to a St Patricks' day celebration?

Sue McPeak said...

I'm a day or two late...weekend catching up and stopping by to say what a great ShootOut you posted. Some very special feet and shoes photos....enjoyed it very much...Sue

Hilary said...

Such fun foot shots.. but a sad footnote.

Gloria said...

Dancing feet in the air, green horsehooves -- This is the first post I visited today and I realize, once again, what amazing diversity Friday shooters can bring to any topic!