Thursday, September 16, 2010

Friday My Town Shootout...

I love taking shots of wild thing...critters and plants. One of my favorite things to do is wildcraft herbs..out in the fields and woods collecting and taking photos!

Local wild critters...

Singing his heart out....

Marsh Marigolds and butterflies...

They look like bitsy pumpkins to me....

Wild thing...ooop ..sorry is my child..giggle..

A surprise critter on this flower...

Lucy Lu Flyin'

Can you say...serious wild Tink!

V's of geese..

Our wonderful eagles...

Mid flight...

Here I come to kiss ya......

Have a wonderful weekend all!!
Hugs, Sarah


Unknown said...

these are all so great Sarah! love the eagle shot. and Tink, and your Grand daughter, and the squirrel......... :-)

Sarah Sullivan said...

LOL my youngest daughter..but I am old enough to have a grandbaby that old!! :)

shabby girl said...

Oooooh, a marble-eyed kitty scares me! LOL! Love the crows and the squirrel too!

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Oh! I love the eagles! What a wonderful shot of the crow in mid-flight.

Jama said...

I can't decide which photos I love best as they all are awesome!

Kerry said...

Only you could take such a pretty picture of a fly. Seriously. These are all great Sarah, but I am smitten by the fly.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is that snow on the ground where the squirrel is? He must be really hungry.

My vote: The V of the flying geese. I was in Canada, and in the Christmas of 1975, my roommate's dad took me to see these geese.

The Strawberry Mallard said...

You know angel I know where to go to feel uplifted......right to your corner of the world...watched a documentary tonight on the bungalow and would give my eye teeth for a tradional cottage like that!!!
Google chat awaiting you :o)

In the eye of the beholder said...

I like all your wild things! Great Pictures.

Scriptor Senex said...

Like the giggle!

psychelyn said...

wow they are all so wonderful. i love the flock of birds and the cat sneaking. you're kid's adorable ",)

Pauline said...

Love your eagle shot - and the crows, I miss crows, never see them here. I remember how thrilled I was to see a few eagles in Canada, how we sat outside freezing, wrapped up and under blankets at sunset to watch one up close.
Terrific post!

Sue McPeak said...

Super post with really great photos. The eagle shot is an amazing capture.

Bagman and Butler said...

What a face! Yes, he is the wildest of the wild things!

Suburban Girl said...

Love your daughter's Wild Thing pose.

~JarieLyn~ said...

The squirrel, your kid, and Lucy Lu are the ones that capture my attention. All great shots.

kate sweeten said...

The one of the eagle is pretty awesome...and I must say, the one of your "wild child" is super cute :) Great shots!!

Kim, USA said...

Love your shots!!
Flora and Fauna

Anonymous said...

Brilliant website, I hadn't come across before in my searches!
Continue the fantastic work!

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

Anonymous said...

suas fotos são apaixonantes.e seu filho é uma graça.ótimo fim de semana pra vocês.crhish
essa eu tirei há uns dois anos na fazenda onde eu morava.

Artsandra said...

Suas fotos estão lindas. Parabéns!!!

Undivine Intervention said...

Nice shots!!!

Jessica Paul said...

Hi, I love your blog, these pictures are all lovely...i especially love the crow in mid flight, do you sel any of your work? I'd love a picture of the midflight crow for my wall! Thanks, Jessica Paul

buy starwars accounts said...

WoW! impressive shots indeed.=D

Lefty Lucy said...

Your work is absolutely beautiful. Between the nature, kids and butterfly/bees, the subject matter comes alive. I can really see your love of the art. Please keep posting.

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lovely ¡¡¡ great pictures ,

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