Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Bit Gothy....

I try to offer up most of my photos with little to no manipulation to the images, a frame and watermark, maybe some cropping. But I will have to say playing with some of them, morphing, coloring, changing the lighting ..I looove it! I enjoyed Twilight..I know..I'm 48..but I really did!! Love the whole Vampire thing..must run in the family, my sister has a Vampire screenplay in preproduction - whoo hoo!!!! Anyway..I was going with a goth theme here - morphing photos to suit my purposes.

I used two different pictures of this lovely urn in my yard and turned them creepy.

Then of course there is Goth Fox..some of you have seen this one before - but I love it - look at that sour look!!!

He asked me to vamperize his eye it is.


Emmy said...

Those are cool shots! I LOVE Twilight too

Anonymous said...

You are an artist extraordinaire, Ms Sarah! Amazing work. I love them all, but especially the goth eyes!

Caroline said...

So cool! I did that with my 6 yr old for a fun Halloween pic. I gave her deep red eyes...I thought she looked like Bella from Twilight...hehe.

Love your photos!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Love those eye pictures! How did you do that? The color is extraordinary!

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